International Research Project

Event (published 03.12.2020)

Our Principal Investigators and researchers Johannes Praetorius-Rhein, Lucie Česálková , Paolo Vila, Francesco Pitassio and Perrine Valnwill contribute to the virtual conference

MemWar – Memorie e oblii delle guerre e dei traumi del XX secolo

with a panel on

Rubbles and Vaults. Making Use of the Non-Fiction Film Heritage for Reassessing Trauma and Reconstruction Culture

on Thursday, December 10th

09:00 Panel Victor-ERubbles and Vaults. Making Use of the Non-Fiction Film Heritage for Reassessing Trauma and Reconstruction Culture

Modera: Elisa Bricco 

Johannes Praetorius-Rhein: The use of digitized non-fiction footage in local memory cultures – Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main 

Perrine Val: Reconstructed towns: symbols of trauma overcome and contemporary urban challenges – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Lucie Česálková: Tanks among Lilacs. Visual Memory of the Liberation of Prague – Institute of Contemporary History (Akademie věd).

Francesco Pitassio, Paolo Villa: Mediating Memories.  Bridging Gaps Between Non-fiction Film Heritage, Public History, Media Studies– Università di Udine

More info on the whole conference and how to attend here

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